we are Courageous
To show bravery and do whatever it takes to get the job done. Take risks, work hard with integrity always.

we are Inclusive
Be respectful, honest and diverse. Proactively pursue equity and strive to optimise participation.

we are United
We are team players, much stronger in collaboration. We are committed to supporting each other.

we are Inclusive
we are United
we are Courageous
western warriors netball club incorporated
Privacy Policy
We may from, time to time, alter the terms of this privacy policy in response to new laws, technologies and business practices.
Please review this policy periodically to check for changes. The latest version of the policy governs the way we store and use the information held by us.
We are committed to respecting the privacy of our Users and Vendors. The following policy outlines how personal information received by us will be dealt with.
Although not required by law to do so, we seek to adopt the Privacy Act 1988 in dealing with our Users. We do this to better ensure that our Users will have confidence that Western Warriors is committed to excellence and security.
In this privacy policy, “us”, “we” or “our” means www.westernwarriors.com.au website domain operated and owned by Western Warriors Netball Club Incorporated ABN 28 622 022 176 (Western Warriors).
- Western Warriors must not do anything, or engage in any practice, that contravenes any information protection principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988. In particular Western Warriors declares that it will:
- Not collect personal information unless:
- the information is collected for a lawful purpose that is directly related to a function or activity of Western Warriors, and
- the collection of the information is reasonably necessary for that purpose;
- Not collect personal information by any unlawful means
- Collect the information directly from the individual unless the information relates to a minor and in such case from their guardian or parent as the case may be;
- Make the individual to whom the information relates aware of:
- the fact that the information is being collected; and
- the purposes for which the information is being collected; and
- the intended recipients of the information; and
- whether the supply of the information by the individual is required by law or is voluntary, and any consequences for the individual if the information (or any part of it) is not provided; and
- the existence of any right of access to, and correction of, the information; and
- the name of the company that is collecting the information and the company that is to hold the information, and how to contact them.
- Not collect personal information unless:
- Western Warriors will use its best endeavours that any information is disposed of securely, that the information is protected against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure, etc.
- Western Warriors will use its best endeavours to ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to prevent unauthorised use or disclosure of the information.
- Western Warriors will make appropriate amendments (whether by way of corrections, deletions or additions) to ensure that the personal information is accurate, and relevant, up to date, complete and not misleading.
- Western Warriors will not use the information for a purpose other than that for which it was collected.
- For the purposes of this privacy policy, “personal information” means information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database and whether or not recorded in a material form) about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion.
- Western Warriors must not do anything, or engage in any practice, that contravenes any information protection principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988. In particular Western Warriors declares that it will:
- We collect two types of information about you:
- Information supplied directly from you to us via our User Profiles, and
- Information collected concerning your use of our Website.
- We record network (Intellectual Property) information relating to how you access our service, including Intellectual Property addresses, dates and times, and pages visited.
- We collect two types of information about you:
- We generally use the information collected about you to:
- provide you with products you have requested from Western Warriors;
- promote products which may be relevant to you;
- communicate with you;
- provide you, from time to time, with email and newsletters related Western Warriors;
- provide you with ongoing information and opportunities from Western Warriors we believe you may be interested in;
- investigate complaints and grievances and;
- investigate your User Profile if we believe you are or have been using our Website in breach of the terms and conditions or if we have reason to believe you are or have been conducting illegal activity.
- We generally use the information collected about you to:
- You agree that any information that you provide to us is non confidential unless specifically advised to the contrary. You agree that we may disclose any such information to any third party for any purpose.
- Western Warriors may provide information to third parties:
- engaged by Western Warriors to perform functions on its behalf, such as marketing, research, mailouts and advertising;
- authorised by you to receive information held by us; and
- as authorised or required under any law.
- Western Warriors may share usage information about visitors to, and users of our Website to our advertising and analytics partners for the purpose of targeting advertising and collecting usage statistics. You agree that we will be entitled to track, and make a record of, your activity on our Website.
- You agree that we may share information about you with other Users of our Website, provided that information has been made available in a public part of our Website, including public details of your User profile.
- If you have any queries regarding the way we collect, store, manage or disclose information, please contact our Privacy Officer via email: [email protected]